Charli Hibbert, PhD

Research Scientist

Dr. Kathleen Charli Hibbert is a social ecologist with expertise in epidemiology and public health. Her work spans a diversity of topics, including micro-activity behavior, intentional living communities, vulnerable communities, e-waste, non-chemical stressors, children’s health, obesity, and older adult sexuality. Prior to joining See Change, Charli received her PhD in Social Ecology from UC Irvine, and then held a 4-year postdoctoral position at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, where she worked on several projects addressing social determinants of health and their role in exposure/risk analysis. Charli also teaches quantitative analysis, advanced statistics, program evaluation, and research methods in sociology, psychology, and public health departments at multiple institutions. Fun Fact: Charli is currently working towards achieving her personal goal to complete a week-long, 100-mile hike through the mountains in Ireland within the next 2 years.

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