Dr. Kathleen Charli Hibbert is a social ecologist with expertise in epidemiology and public health. Her work spans a diversity of topics, including micro-activity behavior, intentional living communities, vulnerable communities, e-waste, non-chemical stressors, children’s health, obesity, and older adult sexuality. Prior to joining See Change, Charli received her PhD in Social Ecology from UC Irvine, and then held a 4-year postdoctoral position at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, where she worked on several projects addressing social determinants of health and their role in exposure/risk analysis. Charli also teaches quantitative analysis, advanced statistics, program evaluation, and research methods in sociology, psychology, and public health departments at multiple institutions. Charli is currently working towards achieving her personal goal to complete a week-long, 100-mile hike through the mountains in Ireland within the next 2 years.