Webinar 3 (November 6th): Communicating the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) Value Proposition


Residents in a CCA-served area are automatically enrolled when a new CCA launches, and able to opt out at any time. See Change Institute undertook a series of three studies that aim to address the question: how can communications about CCAs be improved to motivate more support for this model and reduce opt-outs?

In this webinar we explore how CCAs can most effectively talk about renewables, message their benefits, and draw on their program offerings to build customer support. Findings from these studies give rise to three key recommendations: (1) use “carbon free” terminology when describing CCA products, (2) communicate tangible program benefits such as enhanced resilience, reliability, and the ability to mitigate electricity service disruption, and (3) tailor communications to specific populations so they resonate with local communities.


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