Archives: Publications

The Building Blocks of Behavior Change: A Scientific Approach to Optimizing Impact


Karlin, B., Forster, H., Chapman, D., Sheats, J., and Rotmann, S. The Building Blocks of Behavior Change: A Scientific Approach to Optimizing Impact.

Integrating resident digital sketch maps with expert knowledge to assess spatial knowledge of flood risk: A case study of participatory mapping in Newport Beach, California


Cheung, W., Houston, D., Schubert, J.E., Basolo, V., Feldman, D., Matthew, R., Sanders, B.F., Karlin, B., Goodrich, K.A., Contreras, S.L., & Luke, A. (2016). Integrating resident digital sketch maps with expert knowledge to assess spatial knowledge of flood risk: A case study of participatory mapping in Newport Beach, California. Applied Geography 74, 56-64

The Influence of Hazard Maps and Trust of Flood Controls on Coastal Flood Spatial Awareness and Risk Perception


Houston, D., Cheung, W., Basolo, V., Feldman, D., Matthew, R., Sanders, B. F., Karlin, B ., Schubert, J.E., Goodrich, K.A., Contreras, S. & Luke, A. (2017). The Influence of Hazard Maps and Trust of Flood Controls on Coastal Flood SpatialAwareness and Risk Perception. Environment and Behavior , 0013916517748711.

Environmental Research and Public Health Who Participates in the Great ShakeOut? Why Audience Segmentation Is the Future of Disaster Preparedness Campaigns


Adams, R. M., Karlin, B ., Eisenman, D. P., Blakley, J., & Glik, D. (2017). Who Participates in the Great ShakeOut? Why Audience Segmentation Is the Future of Disaster Preparedness Campaigns. International journal of environmental research and public health , 14 (11), 1407.

GRASP: Testing an Integrated Approach to Sustainability Education


Karlin, B., Davis, N., & Matthew, R. (2013). GRASP: Testing an Integrated Approach to Sustainability Education. Journal of Sustainability Education, Spring 2013: Experiential Education, Part One. 

Using Non-Profit Partners to Engage Students in RE


Penzenstadler, B., Richardson, D. J., Karlin, B., Cook, A., Callele, D., & Wnuk, K. (2014). Using Non-Profit Partners to Engage Students in RE. In REET (pp. 1-10).

ICT for Sustainability – Current and future research directions


Penzenstadler, B., Richardson, D., Tomlinson, B., Fleischmann, K. R., Becker, C., Nathan, L., Blevis, E., Silberman, S., Karlin, B., Norton, J. & Raturi, A. (2015). ICT for Sustainability—Current and future research directions. iConference 2015 Proceedings.

Engaged Scholarship as an Alternative to Public-Private Partnerships


Karlin, B., Goodrich, K., Chen, M., Jimenez, M., Nguyen, P., Tran, A. (2015). Engaged Scholarship as an Alternative toPublic-Private Partnerships. Proceedings of the International Studies Association (ISA) Convention. New Orleans, LA.

The Role of the University: Engaged Scholarship in the Anthropocene


Karlin, B., Carr Kelman, C., Goodrich, K., & Lowerson, V. (2017). The Role of the University: Engaged Scholarship in the Anthropocene. In Dinar, A. (Ed.), The Social Ecology of the Anthropocene: Continuity and Change in Global Environmental Politics. World Scientific Publishers. 

Technology and Psychology—Natural Enemies or Just Plain Natural?


Karlin. B. (2013). Technology and Psychology – Natural enemies or just plain natural?Ecopsychology. 5(4), 217-218.